Briefly discuss how hormones can be permanently

removed from the cellular pool IN PLANTS

In plants, hormones can be permanently removed from the cellular pool through various mechanisms. One such mechanism is the process of hormone degradation, where enzymes break down the hormones into inactive substances. This degradation can occur within the cells themselves or in the surrounding tissues.

Another way hormones can be removed is through sequestration or storage. Some plants have specialized cells or structures that can temporarily bind and store hormones, effectively removing them from the active pool of hormones in the cells. These stored hormones can later be released and become active again when necessary.

Additionally, hormones can be permanently removed from the cellular pool through conjugation. Conjugation involves the attachment of certain molecules to the hormone molecules, rendering them inactive or less active. These conjugated hormones can then be transported out of the cells, resulting in their removal from the cellular pool.

Overall, plants have various mechanisms to regulate hormone levels and remove them from the cellular pool. These mechanisms ensure proper hormone balance and help control plant growth and development.