List 2 movements that women were involved in during the Progressive Era. How do each of these movements effect your life today?

Two movements that women were involved in during the Progressive Era were the suffrage movement and the temperance movement.

1. Suffrage movement: The suffrage movement fought for women's right to vote. Women activists organized rallies, protests, and campaigns to raise awareness and garner support for their cause. The movement eventually led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.

The impact of the suffrage movement on our lives today is significant. Women now have the right to vote and participate in the democratic process on an equal footing with men. This has had a transformative effect on society, allowing women to shape policies and decisions that affect their lives and communities. It has also resulted in increased representation of women in various political offices, helping to address gender disparities and promote gender equality.

2. Temperance movement: The temperance movement aimed to promote the reduction or elimination of alcohol consumption, seeing it as a cause of various social ills, such as domestic violence, poverty, and crime. Many women were at the forefront of this movement, advocating for stricter regulations on the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol.

The effects of the temperance movement on our lives today are complex. While it did lead to the enactment of the 18th Amendment, which prohibited the manufacturing, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States from 1920 to 1933, the amendment was ultimately repealed due to widespread issues like bootlegging and organized crime. However, the temperance movement did contribute to the rise of public awareness regarding the effects of alcohol abuse, leading to advancements in public health campaigns, education on responsible drinking, and the regulation of the alcohol industry.

Overall, both the suffrage and temperance movements fueled important societal changes that continue to impact our lives today. The suffrage movement expanded women's rights and political participation, while the temperance movement contributed to a broader discourse on public health and responsible alcohol consumption.