How do I keep eye contact, and look attractive when keeping it?

Maintaining eye contact and appearing attractive while doing so can be achieved through a combination of techniques and non-verbal cues. Here's how you can improve your eye contact skills and enhance your attractiveness:

1. Focus on the person: Direct your attention solely towards the person you're speaking with. Make them feel like they have your full and undivided attention.

2. Start with a smile: Begin the interaction by offering a warm and friendly smile. Smiling not only makes you more approachable but also helps to establish a positive connection with the other person.

3. Maintain regular eye contact: Look directly into the other person's eyes while they are speaking. Aim to hold their gaze for a few seconds before briefly looking away. Repeat this process throughout the conversation, adjusting your gaze depending on the context and cultural norms.

4. Avoid excessive staring: While maintaining eye contact is important, be mindful not to stare excessively, as this may make the other person feel uncomfortable. Practice natural and comfortable eye movements.

5. Be mindful of your facial expressions: Project interest, attentiveness, and openness through your facial expressions. Avoid conveying negative or disinterested emotions through your non-verbal cues.

6. Mirror their body language: Subtly mirroring the other person's body language, including their eye movements, can create a sense of rapport and connection. Be careful not to mimic them too obviously, as it may come across as insincere.

7. Maintain good posture and body alignment: Stand or sit straight, with your shoulders relaxed and your body facing the person you're engaging with. Good posture helps convey confidence, openness, and attractiveness.

8. Practice active listening: Show genuine interest in what the other person is saying, and actively engage in the conversation. Respond appropriately and provide verbal cues, such as nodding or offering affirmations to show that you are actively listening.

Remember, maintaining eye contact and appearing attractive is not just about the physical act of looking into someone's eyes but also about displaying genuine interest, attentiveness, and positive body language. Practice these techniques consistently, and over time you will become more skilled at connecting with others while maintaining eye contact.