There are three petri dishes in a laboratory. The first one contains 22,340 cells, the second contains 43,560 cells, and the last dish contains 36,612 cells. Approximately how many cells are there in total?(1 point)


its 100,000

100,000 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 10,000 10,000 150,000

To find the approximate total number of cells, we can add up the number of cells in each dish: 22,340 + 43,560 + 36,612 = 102,512

Therefore, there are approximately 102,512 cells in total.

To find the approximate total number of cells in the three petri dishes, you need to add up the number of cells in each dish.

1. Start by adding the number of cells in the first dish, which is 22,340.
2. Next, add the number of cells in the second dish, which is 43,560.
3. Finally, add the number of cells in the third dish, which is 36,612.

The total number of cells is the sum of the cells in each dish:
22,340 + 43,560 + 36,612 = 102,512.

Therefore, there are approximately 102,512 cells in total.