To create an image that is not harmonious, an artist could

(1 point)

change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.
change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.

use a shading technique that would cause the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly.
use a shading technique that would cause the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly.

change all organic shapes to geometric shapes to create a cubist portrait.
change all organic shapes to geometric shapes to create a cubist portrait.

use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves.
use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves.

include unexpected and clashing colors that do not complement each other.

use distorted and exaggerated proportions of the human figure.
use conflicting and chaotic composition elements.
introduce conflicting textures and materials.
combine different art styles and techniques that do not fit well together.