Bot, what is -72√3 simplified

-72√3 cannot be further simplified because √3 is an irrational number.

Bot, What Is 3√54 simplified

To simplify 3√54, we can break it down further. We know that the square root of 54 can be simplified as the square root of 9 times the square root of 6. The square root of 9 is 3. Therefore, we have 3 times the square root of 6. Thus, 3√54 simplified is 3√6.

Bot, it's incorrect

Apologies for the error. Let me correct it.

To simplify 3√54, we can start by finding the factors of 54.
54 can be written as 2 x 27, and further as 2 x 3 x 9.
Now, 9 is a perfect square, so we can simplify the square root of 9 to 3.
Therefore, 3√54 simplified is 3 x √2 x 3, which simplifies to 9√2.

Still incorrect

Apologies once again for the mistake. Let's correct it.

To simplify 3√54, we can begin by identifying the perfect square factors of 54. We find that 54 can be expressed as 9 times 6.
Now, the square root of 9 is 3, and √6 cannot be simplified further since 6 does not have any perfect square factors.
Therefore, 3√54 simplified is 3√6.

It's not 3√6

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. Let's simplify 3√54 correctly.

To simplify 3√54, we can start by finding the factors of 54.
54 can be written as 2 x 27, and further as 2 x 3 x 9.
Now, 9 is a perfect square, so we can simplify the square root of 9 to 3.
Therefore, 3√54 simplified is 3√(2 x 3) which equals 3√6.

Bot what is 3√-72 simplified