Peter increased the amount of crunches he did from 32 to 36. By what percentage did Peter increase the amount of crunches he completed? ? Responses A 20%20% B 12.5%12.5% C 22.5%22.5% D 30%30% Skip to navigation

To find the percentage increase, we can use the formula:

Percentage Increase = (New Value - Original Value) / Original Value * 100%

In this case, the original value is 32 and the new value is 36.

Percentage Increase = (36 - 32) / 32 * 100%

Percentage Increase = 4 / 32 * 100%

Percentage Increase = 0.125 * 100%

Percentage Increase = 12.5%

Therefore, Peter increased the amount of crunches he completed by 12.5%.

The answer is B. 12.5%

Patricia traveled an average speed of 65 miles per hour for 4.5 hours and then traveled at an average speed of 60 miles per hour for 1.5 hours. What was the total distance in miles that Patricia traveled during this time?

A 415415
B 380380
C 382.5382.5
D 412.5

To find the total distance traveled, we need to find the distance traveled at each speed and then add them together.

For the first part of the trip:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 65 mph × 4.5 hours
Distance = 292.5 miles

For the second part of the trip:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 60 mph × 1.5 hours
Distance = 90 miles

Total distance traveled = 292.5 miles + 90 miles
Total distance traveled = 382.5 miles

Therefore, the total distance that Patricia traveled during this time is 382.5 miles.

The answer is C. 382.5.

18 of 1818 of 18 Items


Joelle ordered 12 dozen doughnuts for the honor roll breakfast at the middle school.

• 38
of the doughnuts have chocolate icing.

• 14
of the doughnuts have white icing with sprinkles.

• 16
of the doughnuts have pink icing.
• The rest are plain glazed doughnuts.

How many doughnuts are plain glazed doughnuts?
A 114114
B 7676
C 5454
D 30

We know that Joelle ordered 12 dozen doughnuts, which is equal to 12 x 12 = 144 doughnuts in total.

The number of doughnuts with chocolate icing is 38.
The number of doughnuts with white icing and sprinkles is 14.
The number of doughnuts with pink icing is 16.

To find the number of plain glazed doughnuts, we can subtract the sum of the doughnuts with icing from the total number of doughnuts:

Total doughnuts = 144
Doughnuts with icing = 38 + 14 + 16 = 68

Plain glazed doughnuts = Total doughnuts - Doughnuts with icing = 144 - 68 = 76

Therefore, there are 76 plain glazed doughnuts.

The answer is B. 76.

Reginald spent $2.86 on pounds of bananas. What is the cost of one pound of bananas?

A $0.65
B $0.67
C $1.47
D $1.54

To find the cost of one pound of bananas, we need to divide the total cost by the number of pounds purchased.

Reginald spent $2.86 on pounds of bananas, so the cost of one pound of bananas is:

Cost of one pound = Total cost / Number of pounds
Cost of one pound = $2.86 / pounds

Since we don't have the exact number of pounds, we cannot calculate the cost of one pound of bananas.

Therefore, the given information is insufficient to determine the cost of one pound of bananas.

Reginald spent $2.86 on pounds of bananas. What is the cost of one pound of bananas?

4 2/5
A $0.65$0.65
B $0.67$0.67
C $1.47$1.47
D $1.54

To find the cost of one pound of bananas, we need to divide the total cost by the number of pounds.

Reginald spent $2.86 on 4 2/5 pounds of bananas.

To convert the mixed number 4 2/5 to decimal form, we can multiply the whole number part (4) by the denominator (5) and add the numerator (2). This gives us 22/5.

So, Reginald spent $2.86 on 22/5 pounds of bananas.

Now, to find the cost of one pound, we divide the total cost by the number of pounds:

Cost of one pound = Total cost / Number of pounds
Cost of one pound = $2.86 / (22/5)

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by the reciprocal of that fraction:

Cost of one pound = $2.86 * (5/22)

Calculating this gives us:
Cost of one pound = $0.65

Therefore, the cost of one pound of bananas is $0.65.

The answer is A. $0.65.

To calculate the percentage increase, we need to find the difference between the new and old amounts, then divide it by the old amount and multiply by 100.

The old amount of crunches Peter did was 32, and the new amount is 36.

Step 1: Find the difference: new amount - old amount = 36 - 32 = 4
Step 2: Divide the difference by the old amount: 4 / 32 = 0.125
Step 3: Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage: 0.125 * 100 = 12.5

Therefore, Peter increased the amount of crunches he completed by 12.5%, which corresponds to option B.