Your completed "Concept Web" with criteria and constraints

To create a completed "Concept Web" with criteria and constraints, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the main concept or topic that you want to explore. For example, let's say you want to create a concept web for an upcoming product design project.

2. Write down the main concept at the center of your concept web. In our example, it could be "Product Design Project."

3. Next, think about the criteria that you need to consider for your project. These are the factors that will determine the success or effectiveness of your design. Criteria might include usability, aesthetics, functionality, cost, sustainability, and so on. Write each criterion as a branch extending from the main concept.

4. Now, think about the constraints or limitations you need to work within. These could be budget constraints, time constraints, technical limitations, regulatory requirements, or any other factors that may impact your design. Write each constraint as a branch extending from the main concept or criteria branches.

5. As you go along, consider sub-criteria or sub-constraints that fall within each main criterion or constraint. For example, under the aesthetics criterion, you may have sub-criteria such as color, shape, and materials. Write these sub-criteria or sub-constraints as branches extending from their corresponding criteria or constraint branches.

6. Continue expanding your concept web by adding more branches and sub-branches as needed. You can also include relationships or dependencies between different branches or concepts if applicable.

7. Use symbols, colors, or different font styles to visually distinguish between criteria, constraints, and sub-criteria or sub-constraints. This will help make your concept web more visually organized and easy to understand.

8. Review and revise your concept web as needed, ensuring that all relevant criteria and constraints are included and interconnected properly.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive concept web with criteria and constraints for any given topic or project.