A factory owner can try to consider the safety of employees, considering a lot of strikes before were due to bad safety practices. Most strikes are because of bad pay, or bad working conditions so making sure that the employees are

working in a safe environment is crucial. This can be achieved through the following steps:

1. Regular safety inspections: Conduct routine inspections of the factory premises to identify any potential hazards or safety concerns. This should include checking machinery, electrical systems, fire safety measures, and ensuring proper ventilation and lighting.

2. Training programs: Provide comprehensive training programs on workplace safety to all employees. This should include training on the proper use of equipment, emergency protocols, and the importance of adhering to safety guidelines.

3. Safety equipment and protective gear: Provide appropriate safety equipment and protective gear, such as helmets, gloves, safety glasses, and earplugs, to all employees. Ensure these are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they are in good working condition.

4. Clearly defined safety protocols: Implement clear and concise safety protocols that outline the steps employees should take in case of emergencies, accidents, or unsafe conditions. This should include reporting mechanisms and ensure all employees are aware of these protocols.

5. Health and wellness initiatives: Promote a culture of well-being by providing access to medical facilities, regular health check-ups, and counseling services. Encourage employees to take care of their physical and mental well-being to reduce the likelihood of accidents or health-related issues.

6. Open communication channels: Maintain open lines of communication between management and employees so that safety concerns can be raised and addressed promptly. Encourage employees to report any safety hazards or incidents to their supervisors without fear of retaliation.

7. Continuous improvement: Regularly assess and evaluate safety practices within the factory and make necessary improvements based on feedback from employees and safety experts. Implement a system that encourages employees to contribute suggestions for improving safety practices.

8. Compliance with safety regulations: Ensure compliance with all local and national safety regulations and standards. Stay updated with the latest safety guidelines and make necessary adjustments to policies and procedures to meet these standards.

By prioritizing employee safety, the factory owner can significantly reduce the likelihood of strikes and create a productive and harmonious work environment.