Admission to a baseball game is 4.50 for general admission and 6.00 for reserved seats the receipts were 6079 for 1250 paid admissions how many of each ticket were sold

Let's assume that x is the number of general admission tickets sold and y is the number of reserved seats sold.

The total number of tickets sold is x + y = 1250.
The total revenue from general admission tickets is 4.50x.
The total revenue from reserved seats is 6.00y.
The total revenue from both types of tickets is 6079.
So, the equation for the revenue can be written as 4.50x + 6.00y = 6079.

We also know that x + y = 1250, so we can solve these two equations to find the values of x and y.
Let's multiply the second equation by 4.50 to make the coefficients of x and y match in both equations:
4.50*(x + y) = 4.50*1250
4.50x + 4.50y = 5625

Now we have a system of two equations:
4.50x + 6.00y = 6079
4.50x + 4.50y = 5625

Subtracting the second equation from the first equation to eliminate x, we get:
(4.50x + 6.00y) - (4.50x + 4.50y) = 6079 - 5625
1.50y = 454
y = 454 / 1.50
y = 302

Substituting the value of y into the second equation, we get:
4.50x + 4.50*302 = 5625
4.50x + 1363.50 = 5625
4.50x = 5625 - 1363.50
4.50x = 4261.50
x = 4261.50 / 4.50
x = 947

So, 947 general admission tickets and 302 reserved seat tickets were sold.