On "The Destructors" by Graham Greene

Trevor’s description of his family suggests he comes from a(n) ________ background.
(1 point)



Backup your claim.

Based on the text, Trevor's description of his family suggests that he comes from a poor background. Here are a few pieces of evidence from the text:

1. Trevor's house is described as "an immense mansion" that was destroyed during the war. This suggests that his family used to have some wealth and status. However, it is mentioned that the family can only afford to keep one room in the house and the rest is abandoned. This indicates a significant decline in their financial situation.

2. Trevor mentions that his father used to be an architect but lost his job due to the war. This implies that his family has experienced a loss of income and stability.

3. Trevor describes his mother as "finding it difficult to adapt herself to the conditions of life." This suggests that Trevor's family is struggling to adjust to their current impoverished state.

These details all point to the fact that Trevor's family has fallen on hard times and is living in poverty.

To determine Trevor's background in "The Destructors" by Graham Greene, we should analyze the details provided in the text. Trevor's description of his family can provide clues about his upbringing. To find these details, you should read the story and look for passages where Trevor talks about his family's characteristics or conditions. Pay attention to any descriptions or comments provided by Trevor himself or other characters in the story.

Once you have located the relevant passages, analyze the information provided about Trevor's family. Consider aspects such as their financial situation, education level, behavior, and treatment of Trevor. Look for any explicit or implicit details that can help determine Trevor's background.

Based on this analysis, you can determine which option best describes Trevor's background: uneducated, poor, well-to-do, or abusive. Remember to support your answer with evidence from the text to provide a well-rounded explanation.