How can someone emphasize a “scope and vision of the future,”

when speaking?
● Listing the Bill of Rights
● Insisting that a vision is “not so far in the distant future.”
● Contrasting a vision with “a new order of tyranny.”
● By repeating a phrase like, “everywhere in the world.”
Note: All entry tasks must be written in full sentences
with correct grammar and syntax for full credit.

Someone can emphasize a "scope and vision of the future" when speaking by using the following techniques:

1. Listing the Bill of Rights: By highlighting the importance of the Bill of Rights, one can demonstrate the commitment to protecting individual liberties and fostering a future society that upholds these core democratic values.

2. Insisting that a vision is "not so far in the distant future": By emphasizing that the vision is within reach and achievable in the near future, it creates a sense of urgency and motivation for immediate action towards realizing the vision.

3. Contrasting a vision with "a new order of tyranny": By contrasting the positive future vision with the negative prospect of a new order of tyranny, it helps to illustrate the importance and value of the envisioned future and the need to work towards it to prevent undesirable outcomes.

4. Repeating a phrase like "everywhere in the world": By repeatedly emphasizing the extent of the vision, such as applying it "everywhere in the world," it creates a sense of ambition and scope, highlighting the global impact and significance of the envisioned future. This repetition can help reinforce the importance of working towards such a future on a global scale.