How many 520 cm³ bags of sugar will fit in a packing crate measuring 1.1 m by 1.7 m by 0.25 m?

To find out how many 520 cm³ bags of sugar can fit in the packing crate, we need to find the volume of the packing crate first.

Volume of packing crate = Length × Width × Height
= 1.1 m × 1.7 m × 0.25 m

To convert the dimensions to centimeters:
1 m = 100 cm
So, the dimensions in centimeters are: 110 cm × 170 cm × 25 cm

Volume of packing crate = 110 cm × 170 cm × 25 cm = 467,500 cm³

Now, we can find the number of 520 cm³ bags that can fit in the packing crate:

Number of bags = Volume of packing crate / Volume of each bag
= 467,500 cm³ / 520 cm³

Using long division, we can find the quotient:
Number of bags = 899

Therefore, the packing crate can fit 899 bags of sugar.