Amelia works for the EPA. What is MOST likely one of her goals? (1 point) Responses to offer health insurance to people with low incomes to offer health insurance to people with low incomes to inspect restaurants for sanitary practices to inspect restaurants for sanitary practices to provide safe drinking water to everyone to provide safe drinking water to everyone to give small businesses loans when they are struggling

To identify Amelia's most likely goal based on her role as an employee of the EPA, we need to understand the primary responsibilities and objectives of the EPA. The EPA, or the Environmental Protection Agency, is a governmental agency in the United States responsible for protecting human health and the environment. With this in mind, it is reasonable to assume that one of Amelia's goals would be related to this objective.

Therefore, the most likely goal for Amelia, working for the EPA, would be to provide safe drinking water to everyone. This is because ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water is a significant aspect of the EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment.

To arrive at this answer, I used general knowledge about the EPA's responsibilities and objectives. Understanding the tasks and goals of an organization can help predict the goals or responsibilities of an individual working within that organization.