Why is it essential to strike a healthy balance in our use of technology and prioritise offline interactions?  choose from the following

It prolongs device lifespan: Striking a healthy balance between technology use and offline interactions can indirectly contribute to prolonging the lifespan of electronic devices by reducing wear and tear.

It conserves energy and resources: Prioritizing offline interactions helps conserve energy and resources by minimising the use of electronic devices, thus reducing environmental impact.

It improves sleep quality: Prioritising offline interactions and reducing technology use before bedtime promotes better sleep quality, as the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns. 

It prevents online addiction: Striking a balance between technology use and offline interactions reduces the risk of developing addictive behaviours associated with excessive online engagement. 

Maintains real-life relationships: Striking a healthy balance between technology use and offline interactions ensures that we invest time and energy into nurturing and maintaining relationships with family, friends, and colleagues

All of the above options are valid reasons why it is essential to strike a healthy balance in our use of technology and prioritize offline interactions. Each reason contributes to our overall well-being and helps us maintain a healthy relationship with technology.