Analyze the student data as if you were Ms. Olivera. One group clearly won the challenge. What aspects of the winning design accounted for the strength of Group #2's electromagnet?

A Using a 9-volt battery for more electrical energy.Using a 9-volt battery for more electrical energy.
B Longer wire allows for more turns around the iron core.Longer wire allows for more turns around the iron core.
C More turns of wire around the core and the maximum voltage.More turns of wire around the core and the maximum voltage.
D Using a double-nail core and more turns of wire around that core.

As Ms. Olivera, I would analyze the student data and identify Group #2 as the clear winner of the challenge. Among the responses provided, the aspects of Group #2's electromagnet that accounted for its strength were:

C) More turns of wire around the core and the maximum voltage: By increasing the number of turns of wire around the core, Group #2 was able to enhance the magnetic field generated by the electromagnet. This results in a stronger electromagnet. Additionally, using the maximum voltage available further increases the electrical energy flowing through the wire, contributing to the strength of the electromagnet.

D) Using a double-nail core and more turns of wire around that core: Group #2's decision to use a double-nail core allowed for even more wire turns around the core. This increased the amount of wire in close proximity to the iron core, thereby strengthening the magnetic field produced. The combination of a double-nail core and more turns of wire enhanced the overall performance of Group #2's electromagnet.

In conclusion, Group #2's design was the strongest due to their use of more turns of wire, the maximum voltage, and a double-nail core. These design choices maximized the magnetic field generated by the electromagnet, resulting in a superior performance.