How is a person’s caste determined

A person's caste is determined by birth and is usually inherited from their parents. In traditional Hindu society, the caste system is divided into four main categories or varnas: Brahmin (priests and scholars), Kshatriya (warriors and rulers), Vaishya (merchants and farmers), and Shudra (laborers and servants). Additionally, there is a fifth category called Dalit or Untouchables, who historically were considered outside of the caste hierarchy and performed menial and degrading tasks.

Caste is primarily determined by the occupation and social status of a person's family. Individuals are assigned a caste at birth based on the caste of their parents, and this determines their social and economic opportunities, as well as their social interactions. The caste system is deeply rooted in social, religious, and cultural practices in India and has been a subject of both support and criticism throughout history.