Determine which of the following ordered pairs is a solution to the equation 3x−8=−4y .(1 point) Responses (0,2) left parenthesis 0 comma 2 right parenthesis (1,1) left parenthesis 1 comma 1 right parenthesis (−1,1) left parenthesis negative 1 comma 1 right parenthesis (0,−2)

To determine if an ordered pair is a solution to the equation, substitute the values into the equation and check if the equality holds.

We will substitute the values from each ordered pair and check.

1. For the ordered pair (0,2):

First, substitute x = 0 and y = 2 into the equation:
3(0) - 8 = -4(2)

Simplifying the equation, we have:
0 - 8 = -8
-8 = -8

The equation holds true, so the ordered pair (0,2) is a solution.

2. For the ordered pair (1,1):

Substitute x = 1 and y = 1 into the equation:
3(1) - 8 = -4(1)

Simplifying the equation, we have:
3 - 8 = -4
-5 = -4

The equation does not hold true, so the ordered pair (1,1) is not a solution.

3. For the ordered pair (-1,1):

Substitute x = -1 and y = 1 into the equation:
3(-1) - 8 = -4(1)

Simplifying the equation, we have:
-3 - 8 = -4
-11 = -4

The equation does not hold true, so the ordered pair (-1,1) is not a solution.

4. For the ordered pair (0,-2):

Substitute x = 0 and y = -2 into the equation:
3(0) - 8 = -4(-2)

Simplifying the equation, we have:
0 - 8 = 8
-8 = 8

The equation does not hold true, so the ordered pair (0,-2) is not a solution.

Therefore, the only ordered pair that is a solution to the equation is (0,2).