overall, are theese regarding family just? That is, are they fair to the accused? to the vicem? to society as a whole

It is unclear what specific "theses regarding family" you are referring to. However, fairness is a subjective concept and can vary based on cultural, social, and individual perspectives.

When it comes to accusations within a family, fairness should ideally involve a thorough investigation and consideration of evidence before passing judgment on the accused. Both the accused and the victim should have an opportunity to present their side of the story and be treated impartially.

The fairness to society as a whole depends on ensuring justice is served and maintaining a safe and secure environment. Society benefits when there is a fair legal system that upholds the rights of both the accused and the victim, as this helps maintain trust and social cohesion.

It is crucial to evaluate each situation on its own merits and follow the principles of due process to determine fairness in a specific family-related case.