the book is pushing on the table and the table is pushing on the book

gravity is pulling the book downward
the flower vase is pushing up and gravity is pulling down
friction is pushing up and gravity is pulling down

ush and pull are the two main forces at work in these scenarios. In the first scenario, the book is pushing on the table and the table is pushing back on the book with an equal and opposite force, known as the normal force.

In the second scenario, gravity is pulling the book downward with a force known as the weight of the book. This force is countered by the table's normal force pushing back up on the book.

In the third scenario, the flower vase is experiencing two forces. The vase is being pushed up by the table's normal force, countering gravity pulling it down.

In the fourth scenario, friction is another force at play. Friction is a force that opposes motion or attempted motion between two surfaces in contact. In this case, friction is pushing up on the book, countering gravity's downward pull.

Overall, these scenarios demonstrate the balance and interaction of various forces, such as pushing, pulling, gravity, normal force, and friction.