According to Mohs Hardness Scale, which statement below is TRUE: click hardness scale in the the picture to the right A. Talc can scratch Gypsum B. Corundum can scratch Diamond Topaz can scratch Quartz D. You can scratch Apatite with your fingernail

The correct statement according to the Mohs Hardness Scale is:

C. Corundum can scratch Diamond

To determine which statement is true according to the Mohs Hardness Scale, you need to refer to the hardness scale itself. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to see or access any pictures or images. However, I can provide you with information about the Mohs Hardness Scale and guide you on how to find the answer.

The Mohs Hardness Scale is a scale that ranks minerals based on their relative hardness and their ability to scratch one another. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 being the softest (talc) and 10 being the hardest (diamond). Here is a breakdown of the scale:

1. Talc
2. Gypsum
3. Calcite
4. Fluorite
5. Apatite
6. Orthoclase Feldspar
7. Quartz
8. Topaz
9. Corundum
10. Diamond

Using this scale, you can determine which minerals can scratch others. The general rule is that a mineral with a higher number on the scale can scratch a mineral with a lower number.

Based on the given statements, let's go through each option:

A. Talc can scratch Gypsum: This statement is FALSE. Talc has a ranking of 1, while Gypsum has a ranking of 2. Since Gypsum has a higher number, it can scratch Talc.

B. Corundum can scratch Diamond: This statement is FALSE. Corundum has a ranking of 9, while Diamond has a ranking of 10. Since Diamond has a higher number, it can scratch Corundum.

C. Topaz can scratch Quartz: This statement is FALSE. Topaz has a ranking of 8, while Quartz has a ranking of 7. Since Quartz has a higher number, it can scratch Topaz.

D. You can scratch Apatite with your fingernail: This statement is TRUE. Apatite has a ranking of 5, and most fingernails have a hardness of 2. Therefore, you can scratch Apatite with your fingernail.

In conclusion, option D, "You can scratch Apatite with your fingernail," is the true statement according to the Mohs Hardness Scale.