Molly has 6 grandchildren. She likes to be fair and buy gifts for all of them at the same time. She found jigsaw puzzles, each discounted by 50¢. Find the original cost of each puzzle if she spent a total of $27.(1 point)

Let X be the original cost of each jigsaw puzzle.

The total cost of the puzzles after being discounted 50¢ each is 6 * (X - 0.50).
The total cost of the puzzles is 27.
Thus, 6 * (X - 0.50) = 27.
Thus, 6 * X - 3 = 27.
Thus, 6 * X = 30.
Thus, the original cost of each puzzle is X = 30 / 6 = $<<30/6=5>>5. Answer: \boxed{5}.

To find the original cost of each puzzle, let's set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the original cost of each puzzle is "x" dollars.

Since each puzzle is discounted by 50¢, the discounted cost will be (x - 0.50) dollars.

Molly bought a total of 6 puzzles, so the total cost of the puzzles will be 6 times the discounted cost, which is 6 * (x - 0.50).

According to the given information, Molly spent a total of $27 on the puzzles.

Therefore, we can set up the equation as follows:

6 * (x - 0.50) = 27

To find the original cost of each puzzle, we need to solve this equation.

Let's solve it step by step:

Step 1: Distribute 6 to the terms inside the parentheses.

6x - 3 = 27

Step 2: Move -3 to the right side by adding 3 to both sides of the equation.

6x = 27 + 3


6x = 30

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 6.

x = 30/6


x = 5

Therefore, the original cost of each puzzle is $5.