how did the development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus lead to the growth of civilization in egypt and contribute to the growth of civilization in egyot and contribute to the growth of other civilizations....... make it short write it like a 10 year old would and dont make it complicated

Hieroglyphics were drawings that Egyptians used to write words and tell stories. They wrote using papyrus, which was like paper made from a special plant.

These hieroglyphics helped people communicate and share information. They could write down important things like laws, religion, and history. It made it easier for people to remember things too.

Because of this, Egypt became more organized and civilized. They could keep records, pass on knowledge, and keep track of things. Other civilizations saw how useful hieroglyphics and papyrus were, so they started using them too.

In summary, hieroglyphics and papyrus helped Egypt and other civilizations grow by improving communication, making record-keeping easier, and spreading knowledge.

Sure! Hieroglyphics and papyrus were super important for the growth of civilization in Egypt and other places.

First, Egyptians developed hieroglyphics, which were a system of writing using pictures. This helped them keep records and communicate ideas. Imagine if you couldn't write down anything! It would be hard to remember important stuff.

Second, papyrus was a type of paper that Egyptians invented. They made it from reeds that grew along the Nile River. Papyrus was way better than other writing materials because it was light, flexible, and easy to make. It made it much easier for people to write things down and spread knowledge.

Because of hieroglyphics and papyrus, the Egyptians were able to write down their history, laws, and religious beliefs. They could also share their knowledge and ideas with other civilizations through trade and interactions. This helped civilizations all around the world to learn from each other and grow smarter.

So, hieroglyphics and papyrus were like superpowers that helped Egypt and other civilizations to grow by preserving knowledge, communication, and sharing ideas!

make it shorter

Hieroglyphics and papyrus helped Egypt and other civilizations grow by writing down important things, like laws and history. They made communication easier and spread knowledge to other civilizations, making everyone smarter.


Hieroglyphics and papyrus improved communication, preserved knowledge, and shared ideas, helping Egypt and other civilizations grow.

how were Egyptian farmers able to produce enough food to create a surplus

Egyptian farmers were able to produce enough food to create a surplus because of the Nile River. The river flooded every year, leaving behind fertile soil called silt. The farmers used this soil to grow crops like wheat, barley, and flax. They also used a special irrigation system to control the water and make sure their crops stayed healthy. This allowed them to grow more food than they needed, creating a surplus that could be stored and traded with others.

shorter 3 sentences

Egyptian farmers grew surplus food because the Nile River flooded and left fertile soil. They used this soil to grow crops and had an irrigation system to control the water. This allowed them to have extra food that they could store and trade with others.

2 sentences

Egyptian farmers produced surplus food through the use of fertile soil from the Nile River and an effective irrigation system. This allowed them to store extra food and trade with other communities.