How did the development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus lead to the growth of civilization in Egypt and contribute to the growth of other civilizations?

Then you have to write a sentence

i know im a bit late but here

The development of hieroglyphics and the use of papyrus contribute to the growth of civilization in Egypt as they revolutionized the nature of communication for the priesthoods and political class. This meant that rulers and priests could record historical events and transmit their knowledge to future generations. Civilization, as we recognize it currently, can not exist without the transmission and reception of accumulated knowledge.

this was NOT my answer, somebody from a different question answered and im just here to share it.

The development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus in ancient Egypt contributed to the growth of civilization by enabling the Egyptians to record and communicate information more effectively, facilitating the spread of knowledge and ideas, and promoting the development of a centralized government and administration.

The development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus played a crucial role in the growth of civilization in Egypt and also contributed to the growth of other civilizations. Hieroglyphics, which were a system of writing using pictures and symbols, allowed for the recording and documentation of important information such as laws, religious rituals, historical events, and scientific knowledge. This enabled the Egyptians to create a written language and establish systems of education, administration, and governance which strengthened their society. The invention of papyrus, a writing material made from the stems of the papyrus plant, provided a more efficient and durable medium for writing compared to other materials at the time. Papyrus scrolls became a key tool for communication, trade, and cultural exchange, not only within Egypt but also with neighboring civilizations like Greece and Rome. Through trade and cultural interactions, the knowledge of hieroglyphics and papyrus spread, influencing the growth of other civilizations and contributing to the development of writing systems worldwide.