If there were not highlights and shadows present in this image, (1 point) Responses the colors would all look the same. the colors would all look the same. the shapes would all look the same. the shapes would all look the same. you would not be able to identify the image. you would not be able to identify the image. the petals would not look like they were three-dimensional. the petals would not look like they were three-dimensional.

- the colors would all look the same.

- the shapes would all look the same.
- you would not be able to identify the image.
- the petals would not look like they were three-dimensional.

If there were no highlights and shadows present in an image, several aspects of the image would be affected:

1. The colors would all look the same: Highlights and shadows contribute to the perception of depth and contrast in an image. They create variations in brightness and darkness, which help distinguish different colors. Without these variations, the colors would appear flat and lack visual interest.

2. The shapes would all look the same: Highlights and shadows provide definition and contour to objects within an image. They help in perceiving the three-dimensional form and structure of objects. Without these variations, shapes would appear flat and lose their depth and dimension.

3. You would not be able to identify the image: Highlights and shadows play a crucial role in defining the features, details, and textures of objects. They provide visual cues that help the viewer distinguish and interpret what they are looking at. Without them, the image would lack the necessary visual information for identification.

4. The petals would not look like they were three-dimensional: Highlights and shadows contribute to the perception of depth and volume. They create the illusion of light falling on the surface and casting shadows, making objects appear three-dimensional. Without these variations, the petals and other objects in the image would appear flat and lose their realistic appearance.

In summary, highlights and shadows are essential elements in an image as they enhance the perception of colors, shapes, depth, texture, and realism. They provide visual cues that help us identify and interpret the image.