When teens are asked by Pierce to engage in risky behaviors they should practice abstinence or a way to a refrain from engaging and risky behaviors be engaged in risky behaviors with peers see hide their uncomfortable feelings or D deal with all their emotions.

When teens are asked by Pierce to engage in risky behaviors, it is important for them to consider practicing abstinence or finding ways to refrain from participating. Engaging in risky behaviors with peers may seem tempting or create a sense of conformity, but it can lead to negative consequences. Teens should not hide their uncomfortable feelings or emotions but should instead strive to find healthy ways to deal with them. These may include seeking support from trusted adults or friends, engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation, or talking to a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and assistance in managing emotions.

It's great that you're seeking advice on how teenagers should respond when faced with peer pressure and risky behaviors. When it comes to situations like these, it's important for teens to have strategies in place to make safe and responsible choices. Here are a few approaches to consider:

1. Abstinence: One option is to practice abstinence, which means refraining from engaging in risky behaviors altogether. This can be a powerful choice that prioritizes personal well-being and can help to avoid negative consequences associated with risky behaviors.

2. Refusing risky behaviors: Another approach is to learn how to say no and stand up against peer pressure. Teens can practice assertiveness by expressing their discomfort and refusing to take part in activities that they believe may be risky or harmful.

3. Find supportive peers: Surrounding oneself with supportive and like-minded peers can be beneficial. Seeking out friends who share similar values and prioritize safe choices creates a positive environment that's less likely to encourage risky behaviors.

4. Open communication: It's important for teenagers to feel comfortable discussing their emotions and concerns with trusted adults, such as parents, guardians, or mentors. Having open and honest conversations can provide guidance and support in navigating challenging situations.

Remember, each individual's circumstances and experiences may vary, so it's important to tailor the approach to suit their specific needs and values. Encourage teens to develop skills to make informed and responsible choices, and to know that it's okay to prioritize their well-being over peer pressure.