A student is researching "performance enhancement equipment in competitive sports." Which source is most likely to be trustworthy? (1 point)


the opinions of five baseball coaches
the opinions of five baseball coaches

a survey of eight professional athletic organizations

a survey of eight professional athletic organizations

The source that is most likely to be trustworthy for researching "performance enhancement equipment in competitive sports" would be a survey of eight professional athletic organizations.

To determine the trustworthiness of a source, it is important to consider the credibility, expertise, and objectivity of the information provided. In this case, a survey conducted by professional athletic organizations would likely involve a systematic and unbiased approach to gathering information from a variety of knowledgeable individuals or institutions. These organizations are likely to have expertise in the field of sports and performance enhancement, and their opinions are more likely to be based on evidence and research rather than personal biases or anecdotal experiences.

On the other hand, the opinions of five baseball coaches may not be as reliable or representative of the broader sports community. While coaches may have valuable insights and experiences, their opinions alone may not provide a comprehensive or unbiased perspective on the topic.

Therefore, the survey of eight professional athletic organizations would be the more trustworthy source for researching performance enhancement equipment in competitive sports.