Which did Georgia support for the U.S. Constitution? Select the TWO that apply.

creating a strong central government
creating a weaker central government and giving states most of the power
leaving the Articles of Confederation as is and making no changes to government
replacing the Articles of Confederation altogether

creating a strong central government

replacing the Articles of Confederation altogether

To determine which options apply, we can analyze Georgia's stance during the drafting and ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Here's how you can reach the answer:

1. Research Georgia's position during the Constitutional Convention: Georgia initially favored a strong central government. They agreed with the need for a stronger national government due to the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation.

2. Examine Georgia's support during the Ratification process: Georgia was one of the original thirteen states to ratify the Constitution on January 2, 1788. By doing so, they supported replacing the Articles of Confederation with the newly proposed Constitution.

Based on this information, the TWO options that apply to Georgia's stance are:

- Creating a strong central government
- Replacing the Articles of Confederation altogether