Which of the following is a definition of theme?

(1 point)

the physical location of a story
the physical location of a story

the words and actions of a character
the words and actions of a character

a universal idea communicated in a story

a universal idea communicated in a story

The answer is: "a universal idea communicated in a story."

To arrive at this answer, you can approach the question by reviewing each option and selecting the one that best aligns with the definition of "theme."

Option 1, "the physical location of a story," does not align with the typical definition of theme, as it refers more to the setting of a story rather than the underlying message or universal idea.

Option 2, "the words and actions of a character," is more closely related to character development or characterization, rather than theme. While the words and actions of characters can contribute to the overall theme, they alone do not define it.

Option 3, "a universal idea communicated in a story," accurately captures the essence of theme. Theme refers to the central message or underlying concept that is explored throughout a story. It goes beyond the physical setting or individual character actions and encapsulates a broader, universal idea that the author intends to communicate.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3, "a universal idea communicated in a story."