Based on the article, which of these is true about superstitions in sports?

A.The power of a superstition comes from the confidence it gives a player.
B.The power of a superstition comes from the game control it gives a player.
C.The more renowned players are, the less likely they are to rely on superstitions.
D.The more recreational players are, the more they rely on superstitions.

A.The power of a superstition comes from the confidence it gives a player.

To determine which statement is true about superstitions in sports, you would need to refer to the article that discusses superstitions in sports. However, as an AI language model, I don't have access to current articles or specific sources unless provided. Nevertheless, I can give you some general information to help you evaluate the statements.

Superstitions in sports can vary among athletes and teams, and their impact often depends on personal beliefs and preferences. Here's a breakdown of the statements:

A. The power of a superstition comes from the confidence it gives a player.
This statement is commonly associated with superstitions in sports. Some athletes believe that adherence to a particular ritual or routine brings them a sense of psychological comfort, thereby boosting their confidence level. The belief that a superstition can positively affect performance is not uncommon.

B. The power of a superstition comes from the game control it gives a player.
While certain superstitions could provide a player with a perceived sense of control over the game, it is not a universally acknowledged aspect of superstitions. Some athletes may believe that following a particular routine or superstition can influence the outcome of the game, but it varies from person to person.

C. The more renowned players are, the less likely they are to rely on superstitions.
There is no clear consensus on the relationship between an athlete's fame and their inclination towards superstitions. While some renowned players may be more focused on mental preparation and strategy, others still adhere to superstitions as a part of their routine or personal beliefs. It is difficult to make a generalization in this regard.

D. The more recreational players are, the more they rely on superstitions.
The reliance on superstitions can vary among recreational players as well. While recreational players may not have the same level of training and discipline as professional athletes, their personal beliefs and routines can still influence their reliance on superstitions. Cultural factors, personal preferences, and individual personalities might play a role in determining the extent to which recreational players rely on superstitions.

In conclusion, the answer to which statement is true about superstitions in sports can only be determined by referring to the specific article or source that discusses this topic.