Look at the list of words and definitions. Match each word from the list with its meaning. Click SUBMIT when you are done.

Words Meanings

unforgiveable the act of showing a lack of respect

overpayment the act of paying too much

disrespectful the act of not being able to forgive

unforgiveable - the act of not being able to forgive

overpayment - the act of paying too much

disrespectful - the act of showing a lack of respect

To match each word from the list with its meaning, you need to carefully read the words and their definitions and then pair them accordingly. Here are the correct matches:

unforgiveable - the act of not being able to forgive
overpayment - the act of paying too much
disrespectful - the act of showing a lack of respect

Once you have matched each word with its correct meaning, click the "SUBMIT" button.