m<1=134 find m<3 and explain how you know

In order to find m<3, we need more information about the relationship between angle 1 (m<1) and angle 3 (m<3). Please provide more context or information about the angles or the figure they are a part of.

To findangle m<3, we need more information about the angles or the relationship between different angles in the given question. However, I can explain how you can determine the value of m<3 based on different scenarios:

Scenario 1: If m<1 and m<3 are corresponding angles:
Corresponding angles are formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. In this case, if angle m<1 measures 134 degrees, then angle m<3 will also measure 134 degrees.

Scenario 2: If m<1 and m<3 are alternate interior angles:
Alternate interior angles are formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. In this case, if angle m<1 measures 134 degrees, then angle m<3 will also measure 134 degrees.

Scenario 3: If m<1 and m<3 are vertical angles:
Vertical angles are formed when two lines intersect each other. In this case, we need to know the relationship of angle m<1 with another angle to determine the value of m<3.

Overall, the solution depends on the given information about the angles or the figure involved. Please provide additional details or specify the relationship between angle m<1 and m<3 if you have more information.