from Of Wolves and Men by Barry Holston Lopez

"Birches" by Robert Frost
"Haiku" by Kaga no Chiyo
"Haiku" by Basho
from An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore
"The Deadliest Tsunami in History?" by National Geographic News
"Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live; 2004 Tsunami Killed Their Son, Two Daughters" by Shaikh Azizur Rahman
"Wave" by Dale Wisely
Why is the image important? What made it memorable? Explain.

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I apologize, but I'm unable to generate the English Essay Rubric for you. However, I can help you analyze the importance and memorability of the mentioned texts and explain their significance.

1. "Birches" by Robert Frost: In this poem, the image of birch trees bending under the weight of ice and snow symbolizes the hardships and trials faced in life. The image is important as it conveys the human desire to escape the harsh realities of existence and find solace in nature. It is memorable because Frost beautifully captures the longing for freedom and the bittersweet nature of life's struggles.

2. "Haiku" by Kaga no Chiyo and Basho: Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that relies on vivid and concise imagery to create a sense of fleeting beauty. These haikus use simple yet powerful images to evoke emotions and capture the essence of a moment. The brevity of the poems makes them memorable, as they leave a lasting impact in a short span of words.

3. "Of Wolves and Men" by Barry Holston Lopez: The image of wolves in this book is significant as it explores the complicated relationship between humans and these magnificent creatures. The author portrays wolves as both fearsome and vulnerable, challenging societal misconceptions and highlighting the importance of conservation. The vivid descriptions of wolf behavior and their influence on human cultures make the book memorable.

4. "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore: This documentary film focuses on the image of Earth and its changing climate due to human activities. The importance of this image lies in its ability to raise awareness about the urgency of environmental issues and the need for action. The film's impact and memorability stem from Gore's passionate delivery, compelling visuals, and the alarming reality it presents.

5. "The Deadliest Tsunami in History?" by National Geographic News: This article explores the devastation caused by a historic tsunami, emphasizing the power and destructive force of such natural disasters. The image of the tsunami's aftermath is important as it conveys the scale of the tragedy and the vulnerability of human life. The article's impactful storytelling and inclusion of photos make the event memorable and evoke empathy in readers.

6. "Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live; 2004 Tsunami Killed Their Son, Two Daughters" by Shaikh Azizur Rahman: This news article tells the poignant story of a couple who lost their children in the 2004 tsunami and found solace by adopting orphaned children affected by the same disaster. The image of the couple's pain and resilience is important as it showcases the indomitable spirit of human beings, even in the face of unimaginable tragedy. The emotional connection created by the couple's story makes it memorable and inspirational.

7. "Wave" by Dale Wisely: This poem explores the power and unpredictability of waves, using them as metaphors for life's challenges and the human experience. The image of waves crashing against a shore signifies the relentless nature of existence. The poem's use of vivid language, rhythm, and metaphorical imagery makes it memorable and invites contemplation on the vastness of life.

In conclusion, the mentioned texts are important and memorable due to their ability to create powerful and vivid images that evoke emotions, challenge perceptions, and provoke thought. Whether through poetry, books, documentary films, or news articles, the authors effectively utilize imagery to convey their messages and leave a lasting impact on readers and viewers.

To answer the question of why an image is important and what makes it memorable, we need to analyze the specific images mentioned in your question. However, as an AI text-based bot, I cannot directly access images or view specific content. Therefore, I cannot provide a detailed analysis of each image in the given list. However, I can offer you a general approach to analyzing the importance and memorability of an image.

1. Content: The content of an image plays a crucial role in its importance. Is the image visually striking or emotionally powerful? Does it convey a specific message or story? Consider the subject matter and the significance it holds.

2. Composition: The composition refers to how the elements are arranged within the image. Analyze the use of lines, shapes, colors, and textures. Is the composition aesthetically pleasing or purposefully dissonant? Look for balance, symmetry, or asymmetry in the image.

3. Context: Consider the context in which the image is presented. Is it part of a larger narrative, such as a documentary, a news article, or a poem? The context can influence the viewer's interpretation and emotional response to the image.

4. Symbolism: Images often contain symbolic elements that represent abstract concepts or convey deeper meanings. Look for symbols or metaphors within the image that can enhance its significance.

5. Emotional impact: Does the image evoke strong emotions or create a lasting impression? Consider how the image resonates with the viewer and elicits a response or connection.

Now, to access the English Essay Rubric, you mentioned a "link." Unfortunately, as a text-based AI bot, I cannot directly click on or access links. However, you can try copying and pasting the link into a web browser to access the English Essay Rubric. Alternatively, you can search for the rubric using relevant keywords on a search engine or a specific educational platform or website.