What are the biggest states in Mexico?

The biggest states in Mexico by land area are:

1. Chihuahua - 247,455 square miles
2. Sonora - 69,898 square miles
3. Coahuila - 58,328 square miles
4. Durango - 47,691 square miles
5. Oaxaca - 36,838 square miles

It is important to note that these rankings may vary depending on the source and the criteria used to measure the size of a state.

To find out the biggest states in Mexico, you can look at their respective land areas or population. Since your question does not specify whether you are asking about land area or population, I will provide you with information on both.

In terms of land area:
1. Chihuahua: With an area of approximately 247,455 square kilometers (95,543 square miles), Chihuahua is the largest state in Mexico.
2. Sonora: Sonora covers an area of around 179,355 square kilometers (69,214 square miles), making it the second-largest state.
3. Coahuila: Coahuila has an area of approximately 151,563 square kilometers (58,519 square miles) and is the third-largest state.

In terms of population:
1. Estado de México: With an estimated population of over 16.9 million people, Estado de México is the most populous state in Mexico.
2. Mexico City: Although not technically a state, Mexico City is a federal district with a population of over 9 million people.
3. Veracruz: Veracruz has a population of approximately 8 million people, making it the third most populous state in Mexico.

By considering both land area and population, you can see that Chihuahua is the largest state in terms of land, while Estado de México is the most populous state.