Adrian’s lawn mower run a fuel combination of oil and gasoline the table shows the amount of oil Adan mixin with the amount of gasoline

Amount of oil I liters 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.2 0.25
Amount of gasoline g in liters 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8

It seems there is a slight error in your text. It says "Adrian's lawn mower run a fuel combination of oil and gasoline", but then it mentions "the table shows the amount of oil Adan mixing with the amount of gasoline." Are Adrian and Adan the same person? Additionally, the table only displays the amounts of oil and gasoline, but it does not provide any specific information or context for analysis. Can you please clarify your question or provide more details?

To analyze the relationship between the amount of oil (in liters) and the amount of gasoline (in liters) that Adrian mixes, we can look at the given table:

Amount of oil (I) in liters:
0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25

Amount of gasoline (g) in liters:
1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4, 8

To analyze this relationship, let's compare the ratios of oil to gasoline for each entry in the table:

1. For the first entry:
Amount of oil = 0.05 liters
Amount of gasoline = 1.6 liters
Ratio of oil to gasoline = 0.05/1.6

2. For the second entry:
Amount of oil = 0.10 liters
Amount of gasoline = 3.2 liters
Ratio of oil to gasoline = 0.10/3.2

3. For the third entry:
Amount of oil = 0.15 liters
Amount of gasoline = 4.8 liters
Ratio of oil to gasoline = 0.15/4.8

4. For the fourth entry:
Amount of oil = 0.20 liters
Amount of gasoline = 6.4 liters
Ratio of oil to gasoline = 0.20/6.4

5. For the fifth entry:
Amount of oil = 0.25 liters
Amount of gasoline = 8 liters
Ratio of oil to gasoline = 0.25/8

By calculating these ratios, we can determine how much oil Adrian mixes with each liter of gasoline.