_______________ refers to forces influencing organisation activities and management

decisions from within and outside the organisations.
A. Social environment
B. Political environment
C. Technological environment
D. Management environment

D. Management environment

D. Management environment

The correct answer is D. Management environment.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the different types of environments that can influence organization activities and management decisions. Let's go through each option:

A. Social environment: This refers to the values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals in society. While it does have an impact on organizations, it primarily influences customer preferences, employee behavior, and market trends.

B. Political environment: This includes government policies, laws, regulations, and political stability. It affects organizations through changes in taxation, trade restrictions, labor laws, and other regulations. While it has an impact on management decisions, it is not the comprehensive answer to the question.

C. Technological environment: This refers to advancements and innovations in technology that can influence organizations. Technological changes can affect management decisions, especially in terms of adopting new systems, automating processes, and staying competitive. However, it is not the complete answer.

D. Management environment: This encompasses both the internal and external factors that influence organization activities and management decisions. It includes aspects such as the organization's structure, culture, leadership style, employee capabilities, industry competition, market conditions, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. The management environment is the most comprehensive answer as it considers all the relevant influences on an organization's activities and management decisions.

To arrive at the correct answer, we should consider the option that best captures the full range of influences on an organization's activities and management decisions. In this case, the correct answer is D. Management environment.