three significant quotes

1. "The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County" - This quote refers to the title of the story and represents the central focus of the narrative. It highlights the uniqueness and fame of the particular jumping frog.

2. "Well, I don't see no p'ints about that frog that's any better'n any other frog." - This quote is spoken by the narrator's friend, who initially underestimates the frog's jumping abilities. It emphasizes the initial skepticism and lack of belief in the extraordinary nature of the frog.

3. "The feller took the money and started away; and when he was going out at the door, he sorter jerked his thumb over his shoulder—so—at Dan'l, and says again, 'Very well, then, I'll start him; and that frog will jump anywheres.'" - This quote highlights the ultimate confidence and certainty of the stranger regarding the frog's jumping ability. It sets up the climax of the story where the frog's jumping prowess is put to the test.

1. "He would bet on anything that hadn't happened yet." This quote demonstrates the exaggerated gambling tendencies of Simon Wheeler's friend, Jim Smiley. It highlights the humorous and eccentric nature of the characters in the story.

2. "One of them got a patulent look on his face and says: 'You can't load anything on to any animal.' Jim Smiley never asked nobody what the bet was." This quote emphasizes Smiley's carefree and confident attitude when it comes to his bets. He trusts his luck and skill to win, regardless of the outrageous circumstances.

3. "It was a fair fight, and the frog would have won if it hadn't been for the other frog's cheating." This quote highlights the element of competition and deceit in the story. Even though it is a lighthearted tale, it shows the lengths that people would go to gain an advantage, even in a frog jumping contest.

To find three significant quotes from "The Celebrated Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County," you will need to read the story and identify memorable and meaningful lines. Here are three quotes that are commonly regarded as significant:

1) "He would bet on anything the other man would propose, and after losing would pay promptly with a kind word and a smile, whereas if he won, he would collect his due with as much coolness and nonchalance as if he had done you a favor by receiving it." This quote highlights the character of Jim Smiley, emphasizing his enthusiastic and carefree nature, as well as his unfaltering spirit in both wins and losses.

2) "And if there was a horse-race, you'd find him flush or you'd find him busted at the end of it; but he never turned a hair, miss; he smiled all the time." This line further develops the personality of Jim Smiley, emphasizing his consistent positive attitude and unwavering composure, regardless of the outcome.

3) "And his reputation was as high and as shining and bilious—I mean as conspicuous—as any man's on the river." This quote refers to Jim Smiley's reputation, portraying him as a well-known and distinguished figure in the area due to his passion for gambling and his uncanny ability to win bets.

By reading and analyzing Mark Twain's "The Celebrated Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County," you can identify these and other significant quotes that contribute to the narrative, character development, and overall themes of the story.