When you hold a text book and a pencil, why does a textbook feel heavier than a pencil? A. Your hand repels a textbook with less force. B. You can grab the pencil with more strength. C. The textbook has less mass than a pencil.D. The text, but has a strong attraction to earth.

The correct answer is C. The textbook has less mass than a pencil.

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains, while weight is the force with which an object is pulled towards the Earth due to gravity. In this case, both the textbook and the pencil are being pulled towards the Earth with the same force (assuming no air resistance). However, the textbook feels heavier because it has more mass compared to the pencil.

The correct answer is C. The textbook has less mass than a pencil.

The weight of an object is determined by its mass and the force of gravity acting on it. Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object, while weight refers to the force exerted by gravity on that object.

In this case, although both the textbook and pencil may have similar volumes, the textbook has more mass (amount of matter) compared to the pencil. Since weight is proportional to mass, the textbook will feel heavier because it has more mass and thus experiences a greater gravitational force.

The reason a textbook feels heavier than a pencil when you hold them is due to the difference in their masses. Mass is the amount of matter present in an object, and it directly affects its weight. Weight, in turn, is the force exerted on an object due to gravity.

In this case, we can eliminate options A and B because they revolve around the interaction between your hand and the objects, rather than the actual properties of the objects themselves.

Option D, "The textbook has a strong attraction to earth," is not a valid explanation as it does not accurately describe the physics involved. Both the textbook and the pencil are subject to the force of gravity, but the mass of each object influences the magnitude of the force.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. The textbook has more mass than a pencil, which means that it contains a larger amount of matter. As a result, it exerts a greater gravitational force and feels heavier when held.