use the equation below to find v if u =20, a =12 and t=3


v = u + at

v = 20 + 12 * 3
v = 20 + 36
v = 56

To find the value of v using the equation v = u + at, where u = 20, a = 12, and t = 3, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the given values into the equation:
v = 20 + (12)(3)

Step 2: Perform the multiplication inside the parentheses:
v = 20 + 36

Step 3: Add the two terms together:
v = 56

Therefore, when u = 20, a = 12, and t = 3, the value of v is 56.

To find the value of v using the equation v = u + at, you need to substitute the given values of u, a, and t into the equation and perform the calculations.

u = 20
a = 12
t = 3

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

v = 20 + (12 * 3)

First, multiply 12 and 3 to get:

v = 20 + 36

Next, add 20 and 36 to get the final value of v:

v = 56

Therefore, the value of v is 56.