What does Mr. Raymond drink out of a paper sack? Why does he do this?

There is not enough context provided to determine who Mr. Raymond is or why he drinks out of a paper sack. Can you provide more information?

To find out what Mr. Raymond drinks out of a paper sack, we can look for information in books, articles, or other sources that mention Mr. Raymond. Let's say we don't have access to those sources at the moment. We can also make an educated guess based on context.

In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Mr. Raymond is a character known for drinking Coca-Cola out of a paper bag. He does this to give the impression to the townspeople that he is a drunkard. However, it is later revealed that the paper bag actually contains a bottle of Coca-Cola laced with alcohol. By pretending to be a drunkard, he can avoid scrutiny and criticism for his unconventional lifestyle choice, which includes living with a black woman who is his common-law wife. Mr. Raymond uses the paper bag as a disguise to protect himself and his loved ones from the judgment of others.

In the novel "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, the character Mr. Raymond is often seen drinking from a paper sack. He does this to create the illusion of being drunk, though he claims that what he is drinking actually contains only Coca-Cola instead of alcohol. Mr. Raymond uses this disguise to cope with the expectations and pressures of society, as he doesn't want people to question his lifestyle or challenge him for his non-conventional choices. By appearing to be intoxicated, he can distance himself from societal norms and expectations.