A man is tasked 100 on the first house he owns. For each additional house he owns, he pays 110 naira tax. How much tax will he pay on 4 houses?

To calculate the total tax, we need to find the sum of the tax for each additional house.

He pays 100 naira tax on the first house he owns.
For each additional house, he pays 110 naira tax.

Therefore, for the second house, he pays an additional 110 naira.
For the third house, he pays an additional 110 naira.
For the fourth house, he pays an additional 110 naira.

So the total tax he pays on 4 houses is 100 + 110 + 110 + 110 = 430 naira.

To calculate the tax the man will pay on 4 houses, we need to find the sum of taxes for each house.

Step 1: Calculate the tax for the first house.
The man will pay 100 naira tax for the first house.

Tax for the first house = 100 naira

Step 2: Calculate the tax for the additional houses.
For each additional house, he pays 110 naira tax.

Tax for each additional house = 110 naira

Step 3: Calculate the total tax for 4 houses.
To find the tax for 4 houses, we need to calculate the tax for the additional 3 houses.

Tax for additional 3 houses = Tax for each additional house × Number of additional houses
= 110 naira × 3
= 330 naira

Step 4: Calculate the total tax for 4 houses.
To find the total tax for 4 houses, we need to sum up the tax for the first house and the tax for additional 3 houses.

Total tax for 4 houses = Tax for the first house + Tax for additional 3 houses
= 100 naira + 330 naira
= 430 naira

Therefore, the man will pay 430 naira in tax for 4 houses.

To find out the total tax the man will pay on 4 houses, we need to calculate the tax for each of the additional houses, starting from the second house.

Given that the man pays 100 naira tax on the first house and for each additional house he pays 110 naira tax, we can set up the equation as follows:

Tax = (Number of houses - 1) * Additional tax + Initial tax

Number of houses = 4
Additional tax = 110 naira
Initial tax = 100 naira

Now, let's substitute these values into the equation:

Tax = (4 - 1) * 110 + 100
= 3 * 110 + 100
= 330 + 100
= 430 naira

Therefore, the man will pay 430 naira as tax on 4 houses.