The five themes of geography are location, region, human environment interaction, place and ?

A weather
B landscape
C movement

C movement

The correct answer is C) movement.

To understand the five themes of geography, it's helpful to know that they were developed by the National Geographic Society in 1984. These themes provide a framework for studying and analyzing different aspects of geography.

1. Location: This theme refers to where something is located. It can be described using both absolute location (specific coordinates using latitude and longitude) and relative location (describing its position in relation to other places).

2. Region: This refers to areas that share common characteristics, such as cultural, physical, or political traits. Regions can be defined by natural features like mountains or rivers, or they may be based on human characteristics like language or religion.

3. Human-Environment Interaction: This theme explores the relationship between humans and their environment. It looks at how people modify, adapt to, and depend on their natural surroundings, as well as how human activities can impact the environment.

4. Place: This refers to the unique physical and human characteristics of a specific location. It includes both tangible elements like landforms, climate, vegetation, and infrastructure, as well as intangible aspects like cultural traditions and social dynamics.

5. Movement: This theme examines the movement of people, goods, ideas, and information across the Earth. It includes the study of migration, trade, communication networks, transportation systems, and the diffusion of cultural traits.

By understanding and applying these five themes, geographers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world around us.