Adams are the particles that all matter it is made from when two or more kinds of atoms combined they form a the periodic table molecules C pure elements D metals

The statement you provided is partially correct.

Atoms are indeed the particles that make up all matter. When two or more kinds of atoms combine, they form molecules. These molecules can be either compound molecules (made from different types of atoms) or pure elements (made from the same type of atoms). The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of elements based on their atomic number, symbol, and other properties. Some elements on the periodic table are metals, but not all pure elements are metals. There are nonmetals and metalloids as well.

Atoms are indeed the basic building blocks of matter. When two or more kinds of atoms combine, they form molecules. The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements, which are essentially different types of atoms. Pure elements refer to substances that consist of only one type of atom, such as a single element on the periodic table. Metals are a category of elements within the periodic table that exhibit specific properties, such as being good conductors of electricity and heat.

To understand these concepts, here's a breakdown:

1. Atoms: Atoms are the smallest units of matter that retain the properties of an element. They consist of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons.

2. Molecules: When two or more atoms combine chemically, they form molecules. These can be the same type of atoms or different types. For example, two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to form a water molecule (H2O).

3. Periodic Table: The periodic table is a visual representation of all known chemical elements, organized in a specific order. Elements are arranged in rows called periods and columns called groups. Each element is represented by a unique chemical symbol.

4. Pure Elements: Pure elements consist of only one type of atom. These elements are represented by a single symbol on the periodic table. For instance, oxygen (O) is a pure element, whereas water (H2O) is a molecule consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

5. Metals: Metals are a group of elements characterized by their properties, including high thermal and electrical conductivity, malleability, and luster. They are found on the left side and central part of the periodic table.

To recap, atoms make up matter, and when different atoms combine, they form molecules. The periodic table categorizes these atoms into different elements, including pure elements and metals.

The information you provided seems to be a mix of different concepts. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Adams are not particles; the correct term is "atoms." Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter.

2. The combination of two or more different kinds of atoms forms a molecule. A molecule consists of two or more atoms chemically bonded together.

3. The periodic table contains information about all known elements. Elements are substances made up of one type of atom. Each element has a unique set of characteristics.

4. Pure elements refer to elements that exist in their simplest form, consisting of only one type of atom. Examples include oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.

5. Metals are a type of element characterized by their ability to conduct heat and electricity. They typically have a shiny appearance and can be solid at room temperature.

To summarize, the correct order is:
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Pure elements
- Metals
- Periodic table