Which of these events can happen when galaxies collide?(1 point)


Galaxies disappear.
Galaxies disappear.

Galaxies triple in size.
Galaxies triple in size.

Galaxies merge.
Galaxies merge.

Galaxies destroy their stars

Galaxies merge.

When galaxies collide, the following events can happen:

1. Galaxies merge: As the galaxies come together, their gravitational forces cause them to combine and form a new, larger galaxy.

2. Galaxies triple in size: The collision can cause the galaxies to expand and grow in size, potentially tripling their original size.

3. Galaxies destroy their stars: The gravitational forces during a collision can disrupt the stability of the stars in the galaxies, leading to the destruction of some stars.

Galaxies disappearing is not a common outcome of galaxy collisions, as the galaxies usually merge or undergo other changes instead.

The event that can happen when galaxies collide is that they can merge. To arrive at this answer, you can examine each response and determine which one aligns with known information about what happens when galaxies collide.

The first response states that galaxies disappear. While it is possible for galaxies to undergo changes during collision events, complete disappearance is not a common outcome.

The second response states that galaxies triple in size. It is unlikely for galaxies to experience such a substantial increase in size as a result of collision. Collisions generally involve gravitational interactions that can cause the merging or disruption of galaxies, but not a dramatic increase in size.

The third response states that galaxies merge. This aligns with our understanding of what happens when galaxies collide. When galaxies come into close proximity, their gravitational forces can cause them to merge together, resulting in a larger, combined galaxy.

The fourth response states that galaxies destroy their stars. While collisions can certainly have an impact on the stars within the involved galaxies, it is incorrect to say that galaxies as a whole destroy their stars during these events.

Therefore, the correct response is that galaxies merge when they collide.