Which of the following is an example of how individual experience can shape how someone perceives the world?(1 point) Responses A person who had previously fought in a war votes that their country not get involved in an armed conflict overseas. A person who had previously fought in a war votes that their country not get involved in an armed conflict overseas. A student in China eats their lunch with chopsticks. A student in China eats their lunch with chopsticks. Two people passing on the street greet each other. Two people passing on the street greet each other. The majority religion in the state of Texas is Christianity

A person who had previously fought in a war votes that their country not get involved in an armed conflict overseas.

The correct answer is: "A person who had previously fought in a war votes that their country not get involved in an armed conflict overseas." This is an example of how individual experience can shape perception because someone who has experienced the devastation and trauma of war may have a different perspective on armed conflicts compared to those who have not been directly involved in such experiences.

To arrive at the answer, you can analyze each response and determine which one best demonstrates the influence of individual experience on perception. The first response describes a person who has firsthand experience with war, and this experience likely shapes their perception of the value and consequences of armed conflict.

The answer is: A person who had previously fought in a war votes that their country not get involved in an armed conflict overseas.