Which responsibilities do state governments have with respect to public education? Select all that apply

running school boards
running school boards
providing funding
providing funding setting standards
setting standards hiring teachers

- Providing funding

- Setting standards
- Hiring teachers

The responsibilities of state governments with respect to public education include:

1. Running school boards.
2. Providing funding.
3. Setting standards.

Hiring teachers is typically the responsibility of local school districts, although state governments may have some involvement in establishing qualification requirements and certification processes.

State governments have several responsibilities with respect to public education. The correct options from the given choices are:

- Running school boards: State governments are responsible for overseeing and managing the operation of school boards or school districts. These entities are responsible for making decisions regarding the policies and administration of public schools within their jurisdiction.

- Providing funding: State governments allocate funds for public education. They provide a significant portion of the funding needed to operate public schools, including paying for teachers' salaries, instructional materials, and infrastructure.

- Setting standards: State governments establish educational standards that outline the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire at each grade level. These standards ensure consistency and quality in education across the state.

- Hiring teachers: While the hiring of teachers is primarily the responsibility of individual school districts, state governments often play a role in establishing teacher certification requirements and licensing standards.

It's important to note that there may be additional responsibilities that vary from state to state, but these are the commonly recognized roles of state governments in public education.