Find the cube root of -343:^3 divided -343

To find the cube root of -343, we need to find the number that, when raised to the power of 3, equals -343.

The cube root of -343 is -7 because (-7)^3 = -7 * -7 * -7 = -343.

To divide -343 by -343, we simply divide the two numbers:

-343 / -343 = 1

Therefore, the cube root of -343:^3 divided -343 is 1.

To find the cube root of -343, you can use a calculator or perform the calculation manually. Here's how to do it manually:

Step 1: Express -343 as a cube of a number:
-343 = (-7)^3

Step 2: Take the cube root of both sides:
∛(-343) = ∛((-7)^3)

Step 3: Apply the cube root to each term separately:
∛(-343) = -7

So, the cube root of -343 is -7.

Now, to divide -343 by -343, you simply divide them:
-343 / -343 = 1

Therefore, the expression (-343)^3 divided by -343 is equal to 1.

To find the cube root of -343, we can use the fact that the cube root of a negative number is equal to the negative cube root of its absolute value.

The absolute value of -343 is 343. Now, let's find the cube root of 343:

∛343 = 7

Therefore, the cube root of -343 is -7.

Now, let's divide -343 by -343:

-343 / -343 = 1

So, the final answer is 1.