Which of the following initiatives would the Ruby Bridges Foundation be most likely to

support? (RI 8.1)
A. A campaign to immediately expel a student who says a racist remark
B. A resolution to teach all elementary school aged students about Brown v. Board of
Education and the civil rights movement
C. A social media campaign shaming the teachers who refused to teach Ruby Bridges at her
elementary school
D. An educational pamphlet detailing the stories of white children who attended the same
school as Ruby Bridges

B. A resolution to teach all elementary school aged students about Brown v. Board of Education and the civil rights movement

To determine which initiative the Ruby Bridges Foundation would most likely support, we can analyze the foundation's mission and values. The Ruby Bridges Foundation was established by Ruby Bridges, who was the first African American child to integrate an all-white elementary school in the United States. Ruby Bridges' experience during the civil rights movement has shaped the foundation's focus on promoting equality, inclusivity, and understanding.

Given this information, option B, a resolution to teach all elementary school aged students about Brown v. Board of Education and the civil rights movement, would be the most likely initiative that the Ruby Bridges Foundation would support. This initiative aligns with the foundation's goal of promoting education about the civil rights movement and fostering inclusivity by teaching students about important historical events such as Brown v. Board of Education.

To arrive at this answer, one can first familiarize themselves with the context of the Ruby Bridges Foundation. Researching Ruby Bridges' integration of an all-white elementary school and her subsequent advocacy work can provide insight into the foundation's mission and values. Examining the initiatives presented and considering how each aligns with the foundation's goals will lead to the conclusion that option B is the most likely initiative the Ruby Bridges Foundation would support.

Based on the information provided, the Ruby Bridges Foundation would most likely support option B - a resolution to teach all elementary school-aged students about Brown v. Board of Education and the civil rights movement. This aligns with Ruby Bridges' historical significance as one of the first African-American students to attend an all-white school and promotes education and awareness about civil rights.