Which transition shows a compare and contrast relationship?(1 point)


in addition
in addition


to clarify
to clarify



The transition that shows a compare and contrast relationship is "similarly".

The transition that shows a compare and contrast relationship is "similarly". To determine this, you can look at the specific function of each transition and how it relates to comparing and contrasting ideas.

"In addition" is a transition used to add information or ideas that are similar or related to the previous ones, but it does not explicitly show a comparison or contrast.

"To clarify" is a transition used to provide further explanation or make something clearer. It does not directly indicate a comparison or contrast.

"Accordingly" is a transition used to show a logical connection or a consequence. It does not specifically indicate a comparison or contrast.

On the other hand, "similarly" is a transition that explicitly shows a comparison between two or more ideas or concepts. It is used to indicate that there is a similarity or likeness between the ideas being presented.

So, in this case, "similarly" is the transition that indicates a compare and contrast relationship.