subtract 11√19 - 5√19

To subtract 11√19 - 5√19, you can combine the like terms. Since both terms have the same radical (√19), you can simply subtract the coefficients.

The subtraction is:
(11 - 5)√19 = 6√19

So, 11√19 - 5√19 = 6√19.

To subtract these two terms, you first need to recognize that they have the same radical term, which is √19 in this case.

To subtract them, you can combine the coefficients (the numbers outside the radical) and leave the √19 term unchanged. So, the result would be:

(11 - 5)√19 = 6√19

Therefore, the subtraction of 11√19 - 5√19 is equal to 6√19.

To subtract 11√19 - 5√19, you can treat the terms with the same √19 as like terms.

11√19 - 5√19 = (11 - 5)√19

Simplifying the subtraction of the coefficients:

11 - 5 = 6

So the simplified expression is 6√19.